Kōraunui Kindergarten is located in the heart of Stokes Valley, they offer an all year service and stimulating environment for tamariki to learn and play. Our spacious indoor and outdoor areas are connected by a covered veranda, enabling tamariki to enjoy a variety of spaces and activities in all weather. The interests and culture of our tamariki is reflected in our environment with lots for them to explore, discover and play.
As an all year service, the kindergarten will remain open during term breaks, with a two week closure period over Christmas / New Year and on public holidays.
Kōraunui Kindergarten is part of the KidsCan ECE programme where food is supplied for all children five days a week. Meals consist of sandwiches, yogurt, fruit and three cooked meals per week. Each child also receives a new pair of shoes and a rain jacket.
We encourage whānau to share their culture with us and be part of their child’s kindergarten experience, working together to grow confident young learners. Our kindergarten is actively involved with our community and we make regular trips to our local library and schools, fostering a sense of belonging and place. Pop in for a visit and see the fun learning through play we offer.
Head Teacher - Liz
Teacher - Shayne
Teacher - Lucy Part time Teacher - Dilly
Kindergarten Administrator - Viv
Teacher Support - Vacant
Address: 285 Stokes Valley Road, Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt 5019
Phone: 04 920 9820
Mobile: 027 450 0142
Email: htkoraunui@huttkindergartens.org.nz
Group size: 30 max
Session Times: Monday to Friday: 8.30 am - 2.30 pm