Nettie Riley Kindergarten is located on Witako Street in central Lower Hutt and offers an all-day (7.30am to 5pm), all year service for 2-5 year olds. This is a great option for families who want the kindergarten teaching philosophy and require a longer day service.

The kindergarten is on the ground level of the Hutt Valley Heath Hub with a spacious outdoor area that wraps around the building. This provides a variety of spaces for tamariki to explore, learn and play, including a sandpit, gardens, climbing equipment, swings and more.

Inside the kindergarten, tamariki will discover a range of activities and natural resources in a modern setting. This spacious area also features a dedicated sleep room for tamariki who need to nap during the day.

We are dedicated to providing the best education for tamariki with a 100% qualified and experienced teaching team.

As an all-year service, this kindergarten remains open during the term breaks, with a two-week closure period over Christmas / New Year and on public holidays.

About the building
Tamariki are sure to find the building itself fascinating with its exposed beams and bolts, all indicators of the engineering that goes into building to the highest earthquake standards. Learn more about the building here

Please contact Christina, Senior Head Teacher for information on the fees for this kindergarten. Email or call 04 567 0142. 

Frequently Asked Questions
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to provide you with more information about this Kindergarten. Click on the button below to view the FAQs.

Senior Head Teacher - Christina
Assistant Head Teacher - Amanda
Teacher - Mary
Teacher - Fabiana
- Renee
- Kathryn
Teacher - Monica                                                                                                       
Teacher Support - Nina
Teacher Support - Vacant

Kindergarten Administrator - Anita                                                                            

Address: Hutt Valley Health Hub, 135 Witako Street, Epuni, Lower Hutt 5011
Phone: 04 567 0142
: 027 235 5184
Group size: 50 max
Session Time: Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 5.00pm, all year