Job Vacancies | Ngā wāhi mahi

We are pleased that you are interested in joining Hutt City Kindergartens.

Our Association offers strong support and guidance for Certificating Teachers as well as exciting professional learning and development opportunities. You will have access to excellent resources and the opportunity to be part of a large network of qualified teachers.  You'll also benefit from the leadership, guidance and support of our Professional Advisory Team.  Our administration and support staff are also offered professional development opportunities and attend regular networking meetings.

All vacancies are posted below. If you have any questions about a position please contact Kristine Allen, HR Manager at or phone 04 920 9841.  We encourage you to visit the kindergarten - please feel free to contact the Head Teacher to arrange a suitable time.

If you are successful in gaining an interview, you are welcome to bring a support person along.  

Please note that HCK is unable to provide assistance in obtaining your legal right to work in New Zealand. Applicants must already have the lawful authority to work in any position applied for.

Role Description
Whakahuatanga tūranga


Closing date for applications
Te rā kati mo ngā tono

Marketing and Communications Manager

Head Office, Epuni

Sunday 16th February, 5pm